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home > Parents > Yorke Mead Primary School > School Tights
Our School Vision Statement
We are a school dedicated to creating an environment where children are able to grow into happy, well-rounded individuals with a love of learning through which they can achieve to the best of their abilities.
We want our pupils to enter the wider world as
o Happy, positive individuals
o Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution
o Confident, resilient, healthy & life-long learners.
At Yorke Mead we believe children should come to school dressed comfortably but also smartly. We expect shirts to be tucked in skirts/trousers and the fine details such as socks, hair ties etc. to be in line with the school policy.
· Plain black leggings or plain black jogging bottoms (we also request plain black shorts for gymnastics and in warmer weather)
· A red school sweatshirt
· A red school t-shirt
· Black or white trainer socks
· Black or white trainers
· The school tracksuit (plain black shorts would be required for gymnastics)
these should be grey (not black) tailored trousers in the style sold as school uniform by most high street stores. Skinny jean style trousers are not permitted.
All children should wear shoes in school. Trainers should not be worn in school but may be worn in the playground at playtime and lunchtime. Children will be expected to change back into shoes when they come into class. Shoes with high or wedged heels, sling back sandals or sandals without ankle support are not suitable for school. Boots are also not suitable for school wear. Children who come into school wearing unsuitable shoes will not be able to go out to play for their own safety.
I f these are not the Yorke Mead style with the Daisy motif, they should be plain in style. Hoodies are not acceptable.
Long hair must be tied back at all times (boys and girls). Any headband should be plain and not of the novelty type. Hair should be of a natural colour.
Jewellery – Children may wear plain stud earrings to school but should be able to remove them or tape them for P.E. For safety reasons children will be asked to remove any other type of earring. Only one pair of earrings are to be worn. A simple watch that doesn’t make a noise may be worn, but the school cannot take responsibility for them. Jewellery is not allowed in school unless it is worn for religious reasons, and again the school cannot take responsibility for items of jewellery. Nail varnish should not be worn in school.
All unnamed items are placed in a lost property bin situated in the entrance foyer. Any unclaimed items will be disposed of at the end of each half term.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).
While we still recommend you book your visit to our shop HERE to avoid the possibility of waiting, we are also delighted to see you without an appointment.