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Policy for Uniform
We hope you appreciate the benefits of having a School uniform. We thank parents for recognising the importance of dressing smartly in contributing to the high standards of the Academy.
Our policy for children’s school uniform is based on the belief that:
The uniform has been designed with health and safety in mind. We hope that you appreciate the benefits of having a school uniform. We thank parents for recognising the importance of dressing smartly in contribution to the high standards of the Academy. The uniform is helping to raise the profile of the Academy in the local community and beyond.
Foundation Stage
Bottle Green cardigan or jumper with the Academy logo embroidered on the front
White polo shirt
Charcoal Grey trousers or skirt
Bottle green gingham dress
White ankle socks
Charcoal Grey trousers or shorts.
White or Grey plain ankle socks
PE Kit
PE kit consists of black shorts and a white t-shirt.
Girls Year 1-5
White polo shirt (no ties)
Bottle green cardigan or jumper with Academy logo
Charcoal Grey skirt or trousers
Black or grey tights, or white knee length or ankle socks
Black shoes & Black indoor pumps
Hair accessories (bobbles, hair bands etc) to be bottle green or gingham in summer.
Boys Year 1-5
Bottle green sweatshirt with Academy logo
Charcoal Grey trousers
Grey or Black socks
Black Shoes & Black indoor pumps
Charcoal grey shorts or trousers
Wellington boots can be worn to school in case of bad weather.
Girls Year 6
Bottle green blazer with embroidered Academy logo
Long or short sleeved white blouse
Academy Tie
Black or grey tights, white knee length or ankle socks
Black shoes & black indoor pumps
Hair accessories (bobbles, hair bands) to be Green
Boys Year 6
Bottle Green blazer with embroidered Academy logo
Long or short sleeved white shirt
Charcoal Grey Trousers
Short sleeved white shirt
Black shorts
Plain white t-shirt
Black Tracksuit
Trainers for outdoor PE
The wearing of jewellery is not allowed with the exception of small stud earrings and watches. We advise against children having their ears pierced during the school term. Earrings must be removed or covered with tape during PE lessons and must be removed for swimming.
Extreme hairstyles (tram lines, tails, colours and highlights) will not be allowed. In the interests of health and safety, all pupils with hair that is long enough to be tied back will be asked to do so for PE, games, food technology and design technology.
Date: September 2019
Review Date: September 2020