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home > Parents > Vicars Green Primary School > Boys Regular Fit Trousers
School Uniform List
In accordance with DfE guidelines, we believe that our school uniform can instil a sense of pride and identity in our school among our pupils and will support positive behaviour and discipline. We also believe that it supports effective Teaching and Learning. We have taken steps to ensure that our uniform is affordable and is available to all families.
School Yellow Polo shirt*
School Green Sweat Shirt*
School Green Jackets* (Outdoor wear only)
Grey trousers
Grey, black or white socks
Black shoes
* (school logo/plain)
Grey skirt or pinafore/trousers
Grey or black tights or grey, black or white socks
School Green full zip Fleece Jackets*
Grey trousers or grey school shorts
Black shoes/Black trainers
Green summer dress – check or stripe with white socks
School green cardigan* to wear over green summer dress
School Green P.E. shorts*
School Orange PE T-shirt*
Trainers for outdoor wear or black plimsolls for indoor wear
Grey tracksuit bottoms - as and when required
Grey tracksuit bottoms – as and when required
Swimming Kit
Swimming Trunks (not swimming shorts)
Swimming hat
Named towel
One piece swimming costume
*All these items are available from school. Other items are widely available from department stores and large supermarket stores.
Shoes : All children should wear black school shoes. For health and safety reasons: if open-toed sandals are worn they must be secured at the ankle. High heeled shoes, trainers, boots, strappy sandals or mules or shoes with platform soles are not acceptable in school. Boots may be worn to school and at outdoor playtimes during cold, wet weather, but pupils must change into their black shoes for wear inside the school.
Jewellery : Children should not wear fashion jewellery in school. This includes everything except watches but not in EYFS2. If children have pierced ears they may wear very small studs, one on each ear lobe. Parents are requested to remove studs before coming to school on PE days. If they are unable to remove these themselves they must be covered over for P.E. and swimming lessons. The school will not be able to accept responsibility for loss of items.
Bags : All pupils will need a book bag and P.E. bag – all available from school. As space in the classrooms is very limited, we ask that no large bags or backpacks be brought into school by KS1 or Early Years pupils. Yr 1 & 2 and EYFS 1 & 2 pupils require just their book bag and PE bag.
Hair accessories: These must be kept simple and worn in school colours i.e. green, black or white.
Head covering : Top-knots, head scarves and headbands should be in school green or black (or white in the Summer.)
Hair : Long hair should be tied back for health and safety reasons.
Sun Safety : Summer hats and caps can be worn outdoors (and purchased from the school shop if required).
Make up : Make up and nail varnish are not acceptable in school.
All items of clothing, including shoes, must be clearly and indelibly marked with the child’s name.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).
Boys Regular Fit Trousers with half elasticated waist and hook fastening