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home > Parents > St Josephs Catholic Primary School (Sutton Coldfield) > Childs Baseball Cap
Dear Parent/Carer
This is the web page for St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School.
You can purchase our complete School online either through MAPAC or via a link on St. Joseph’s website.
The prices represent excellent value for money.
MAPAC will be our sole provider of the St. Joseph’s School uniform.
If parents wish to have deliveries made to the school these will be on a monthly basis.
Mr O’Hara
The policy of the school is that pupils should wear school uniform. This is based on the belief that school uniform, among other things, provides a corporate sense of identity. Children are expected to be well presented. For hygiene reasons long hair must be tied back. Artificially coloured hair, beaded braids and gelled styles are inappropriate.
Royal blue v-neck sweater
School tie
Pale blue shirt
Pale blue blouse
Grey trousers
Grey skirt/pinafore
Sensible black shoes
Pale blue polo-shirt
Blue/white dress
Grey trousers or shorts
PE Clothing
Plain royal blue t-shirt
Plain black shorts
Indoor black pumps
PE socks
The children may wear non-slip trainers for outdoor lessons on the playground or, for example, cross country. During Junior Outdoor games lessons, pupils are allowed to wear ‘Team’ football/rugby kits.
It is of great assistance if your child’s name is in every article of clothing. This can avoid mix-ups and prevent children from becoming unnecessarily upset. It is expected that the children will wear uniform at all times. If this causes a problem, please consult with the Principal.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).
Our baseball caps are perfect for the sunny season – the soft cotton keeps children comfortable, and keeps them shaded from the glare of the sun.
Cap Logo Cap Front