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home > Parents > St Johns CE Primary School (Kingston) > Baseball Cap
St John ’s C of E Primary School
School Uniform Boys
Grey Trousers
White shirt or polo shirt
School sweatshirt
Sensible black shoes (no logos), white or grey socks
Grey short
White polo shirt
Sandals (if preferred) in dark colour with heel support
School Uniform Girls
Grey skirt, pinafore or school trousers
White blouse or polo shirt
School sweatshirt or cardigan
Sensible black shoes and white or grey socks or tights
Blue and white Summer dress
All children should have adequate coats in Summer and Winter. We recommend you do buy a school book bag for your child as this is very helpful in keeping things such as reading books safe. A school rucksack is also available and can be very useful as it fits into school lockers very easily.
Sport’s Wear for boys and girls
All children should have the same school sports wear. This consists of:
Black shorts
Plain white T shirt
Plimsolls or black trainers
Draw string PE bag for storage
Please note that jewellery is not allowed due to health and safety reasons.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).
Our baseball caps are perfect for the sunny season – the soft cotton keeps children comfortable, and keeps them shaded from the glare of the sun.