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home > Parents > Hornbeam Primary School > Pelerine Knee High Socks (Twin Pack)
Parents can order uniform from our online shop hosted by MapacĀ®
Plain Black Trousers (Not Jeans)
Plain Black Knee Length Skirt Black or Dark Grey Tights
Green Polo Shirts
Green Sweatshirts
Grey or White Socks (Ankle or Knee length)
Black Shoes (Not Trainers, Boots or Sandals)
Summer (Optional) - Green/White Checked Dress
Plain Green T-Shirt
Green Shorts
PE Bag (Not Carrier Bags)
Games Kit (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 only)
Hornbeam Tracksuit
Swimming Kit
One piece swimming suit (girls)
Fitted swimming trunks/shorts (boys)
Large towel or towelling robe
Flip flops (optional)
Trainers or boots may not be worn in school.A range of school accessories, including ski hats, baseball caps and book bags, are available. Only school baseball caps may be worn during lunchtime and playtime.The school holds a small stock of some uniform items which can be purchased at the office. Samples are also available for children to try different sizes.
Please note the colour of the school uniform is emerald green and not bottle green.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).