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home > Parents > Highwood Primary School > Boys Regular Fit Trousers
Our uniform has the school logo which gives the school and pupils an identity. All children must wear the correct uniform every school day. Nail varnish or make up is not permitted.
Children are not allowed to wear jewellery in school for safety reasons unless of a religious nature, and for which permission must be acquired. For those who have pierced ears small studs may be worn, but these must be removed or covered for PE lessons. Watches may be worn but they must also be removed during PE lessons.
· Plain royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo
· White or royal blue polo shirt with school logo
· Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
· Grey or white socks/tights
· Black school shoes (not trainers)
· Plain royal blue/white/black hijab
· Royal blue fleece with school logo
· Royal blue reversible jacket with school logo
Jeans, tracksuit bottoms or jogging pants are not acceptable. Nursery children are encouraged to wear uniform, however are only expected to wear school sweatshirt/cardigan and polo shirt.
In the summer the children may wear grey tailored shorts (not PE shorts) or a blue gingham dress. During hot weather all children should wear a hat when they are outside. (These are provided by the school for children in Nursery, Reception and Years 1 and 2).
Please ensure that all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
All children should have a school book bag or backpack (see Mapac website for this), ideally in our school colour with our school logo.
Please ensure that your child is sent to school with the appropriate outdoor clothing.
In addition to this the children require PE kit which should be in school at all times.
PE Kit
To ensure that your child is able to participate in all PE lesson, please provide them with the full and correct Highwood PE kit, i.e. suitable clothing and footwear for both indoor and outdoor PE.
For all children, our PE kit is as follows:
· Plain t-shirt or polo shirt in child’s house colour / plain white t-shirt
· Plain black shorts
· Plain black tracksuit trousers (either shorts or trousers are worn dependant on the activity and/or the weather)
· Plain black tracksuit top (for cold weather, children should not be wearing their ‘normal’ school jumpers)
· Sports trainers (for outdoor PE for all children. No plimsolls or ‘fashion’ trainers)
All items of PE kit should be clearly named with your child’s first and surname.
Children with long hair must have it tied back.
No jewellery must be worn during PE, including friendship bracelets.
If stud earrings must be worn (if, for example, ears have been newly pierced, or earrings are unable to be taken out), children must ‘tape up’ their ears with medical tape. Children to whom this applies, should bring their own surgical tape into school, to keep with their PE kit.
Any jewellery removed remains the children’s responsibility and they must put it either in a bag or their drawer.
Forgotten Kit – if on occasion a child forgets their PE kit, they may borrow some from school.
If a child fails to bring their PE kit or the correct PE kit to school a letter will be sent home from their class teacher. If this happens on 3 separate occasions during one term, they will miss 5 minutes of their Golden Time and a letter outlining this will be sent home to inform parents.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).
While we still recommend you book your visit to our shop HERE to avoid the possibility of waiting, we are also delighted to see you without an appointment.
Boys Regular Fit Trousers with half elasticated waist and hook fastening