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home > Parents > Greenway Primary & Nursery School > Cotton Rich Cardigan
School Uniform The recommended uniform consists of a dark green pullover or cardigan with school logo on; grey shorts or trousers, grey skirt or pinafore dress; white or green polo shirts or blouses. Items of uniform including sweatshirts and cardigans with logos, polo shirts, fleeces and jogging trousers are available through our secure online supplier.
All uniform and PE kit must be labelled with your child’s name.
PE Kit Pupils wear a green t-shirt with the Greenway logo, available online, together with plain black shorts. In the winter months, they may need joggers and sweatshirts (which do not need to be green). Trainers and socks (especially girls who come to school in tights) are needed for outdoor PE in KS1 and KS2.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).
While we still recommend you book your visit to our shop HERE to avoid the possibility of waiting, we are also delighted to see you without an appointment.
Drop Shoulder Sweat Cardigan with two patch pockets, ribbed welt and cuffs. Soft but durable
Main School Logo Left Breast