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home > Parents > Grange Primary School > Boys Pull On Trousers
Dear Grange Families,
On behalf of the children, the staff and the governors, I am delighted to inform you of the outcome of the consultation on changes to our current school uniform and share the rationale behind the decision.
The idea of adopting a new school uniform came from our children. They wanted a uniform to compliment the new school branding. We subsequently obtained some samples of jumpers, ties, hats and bags, and our pupils have had an opportunity to view these and give their feedback. Based on this feedback, and with Governors’ approval, we have also decided to introduce a tie for Years 5 and 6 as part of our uniform with effect from September 2020.
Our Junior Leadership Team did an amazing job throughout the process, consulting with the peers in their classes and meeting with the company whose product they liked the best. They also attended a meeting with our parent ambassadors where they presented the new uniform.
Some of the key priorities for the children, the staff and the governors were for the uniform to be affordable, easy for parents to purchase and to complement the ethos of the school. We are in a very strong position to compete with all the schools in Southwark, and in so doing we need to promote and market a higher profile image of the school.
The key reasons for the change are:
The key priorities for the new uniform are that:
• It fits with the school vision.
• It is clear and consistent in design.
• It is smart and practical.
• It is affordable for parents.
The key changes to the uniform are:
• Replacing the original jumper with a grey jumper, or a grey cardigan with an embroidered logo.
• Children in Nursery and Reception will be allowed to wear black jog bottoms and trainers, as part of the new school uniform
• Children in Year 1 to Year 6 will be expected to wear black trousers, black skirt and black shoes
• Introduce a tie for Years 5 and 6
• A selection of bags for pupils with the school logo
• A selection of hats, fleece and jackets could also be purchased from MAPAC
The jumper, cardigan, tie, bags, hats, caps and PE kit can be ordered online through our supplier, MAPAC, on the hyperlink below:
White Shirts, Black trousers and Black skirts can be purchased from any stockist.
We acknowledge that the switchover will take some time, therefore the introduction of the new uniform will be phased in for existing pupils as follows:
Further information about this and photos of our new uniform will be posted on the website.
As the school uniform is an important aspect of who we are as a school community, we need your support in ensuring that your child / children come to school dressed in full school uniform.
Here is a reminder:
Shirts: Plain, white, cotton long/short sleeved shirt with collar (Year 5 and 6) with tie, and white polo shirt
Jumper: Grey school V-neck Sweatshirt or Cardigan with the school badge
(available to purchase from MAPAC)
Trousers: Black trousers – tracksuit bottoms will be allowed for pupils from Nursery up to Year 1 only.
Skirt: Black, plain approximately knee length.
Headscarf: Plain black (if worn).
Shoes: Must be completely black, flat shoes or completely black trainers with black laces or velcro.
Please note: no boots with heels, sling backs or sandals are allowed due to Health and Safety in the playground.
Socks: Plain black or plain white ankle or knee length.
Tights : Grey or black
Plain leggings to be worn under skirts (not to be worn on their own).
School Bag: From September all children in year Reception, 1, 2 will need a school infant backpack/ book bag. This is to ensure that the school reading journal and homework is kept neat and presentable.
Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 can purchase a junior school back pack with mesh water bottle pocket.
No handbags will be allowed. (All bags are available to purchase from MAPAC)
PE Kit
We ask that ALL children wear appropriate clothing for PE. We recommend dark bottoms (black) and white PE T-shirts. These can be purchased from MAPAC.
If your child cannot participate in the lesson due to illness or injury, then a letter from home is required to be given to the class teacher on the day. Your child should still bring his / her kit and change, as there are many other roles s/he can adopt, such as coach, umpire or score keeper.
It is important that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name, including coats and P.E. kits. This can be done with sew in tapes or with an indelible pen.
All teachers and senior leaders will be following up on the correct uniform for the rest of the term and continue to do so for September. We are giving parents 2 months’ notice to purchase the correct uniform, shoes and PE kit.
Hair: Shoulder length or longer hair must be tied up with black tidies
Nails: Should be kept clean and short enough to enable pupils to participate safely in practical
No coloured nail varnish is allowed.
Jewellery: Wrist watches may be worn if a child is able to tell the time. If desired one small earring, sleeper or stud in each ear only. Smartwatches should not be worn to school.
COMPULSORY School Uniform
We expect all children to wear school uniform at all times. When a child is unable to wear the correct uniform, a parent/carer is required to send a note to the class teacher (with the child on that day) explaining the reason and the period for which this will occur.
We would like to work with you during this transition time and support you, if we can. Should you need any help purchasing the new school uniform, please let us know.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support with the change of uniform.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).
Boys Pull On Trousers with half elasticated waist and no zip