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home > Parents > The Devonshire Hill Nursery & Primary School > School Tights
Grey trousers (short or long)
Grey skirt
Grey pinafore
Gold Collared T Shirt with short sleeves, preferably with the School LOGO
Royal blue pullover/jumper/cardigan preferably with School LOGO
Plain grey/black or white socks
Dark grey/black tights
Black School shoes (not trainers)
During the summer months, girls may wear a gold/yellow gingham dress.
Should a hijab be worn this must be plain Royal Blue / Gold / Black /White
Nursery Children (including the Two Year Olds)
Parents can choose to send their Nursery Children to school in Royal Blue ‘Jogging Bottoms’ and a Sweatshirt Top over a T-shirt.
However, the Governors prefer all children in the Nursery who are 3 & 4 Years old to be wearing the Full School Uniform
House Captains
White Shirt with House Tie.
PE Kit All children Reception – Year 6
Yellow/Gold short sleeve T-shirt with school logo
Blue shorts
Plimsolls for indoor PE and trainers for outdoor sports activities
Black leggings to be worn under the shorts
Black/ White long sleeve T-shirt to be worn under the PE T-shirt
Sports Kit when representing the School Team
Kit issued by the school on loan for the Match.
School PE Kit as above.
On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. If a child has his/her ear(s) pierced they should wear ear stud earrings only to school. On PE days the children should NOT wear earrings to school as this could be a Health & Safety concern.
Inexpensive watches may be worn from Year 2. However, if a watch is designed for games or making disruptive noises it should not be worn for school. pg. 2
Hair and make-up
The school does not permit children to have extreme haircuts or colouring that could serve as a distraction to other children. Hair bands, clips etc should be discreet designs in colours compatible with school colours and only used in order to keep hair in place. Long hair should be tied back for practical subjects, including P.E. Some hair ornaments may need to be removed for P.E. on the grounds of health and safety.
No make-up or nail varnish may be worn during the school day. Similarly, temporary transfers or fake ‘tattoos’ are not appropriate for school.
The school wants all children to grow into healthy adults. We believe that it is dangerous for children to wear shoes with platform soles or high heels in school, so we do not allow this.
We require all children to wear the types of shoe described in the uniform list, described as Black School Shoes
We do not allow children to wear trainers to school; these are appropriate for sport or as leisurewear, but are not in keeping with the smart appearance of a school uniform (including travel to and from school).
Shoes which incorporate flashing lights or similar distracting gimmicks in their design are not appropriate for school wear.
Winter boots/ wellington boots may be worn to and from school during bad weather but shoes must be brought to school and worn during the school day.
Children are not allowed to wear sandals or open- toed shoes to school.
Children should bring to school a change of Footwear for lunchtimes (Years 4-6) as they will be able to access activities on the field. We recommend OLD TRAINERS as the field can be very muddy at times. Children without a change of footwear will be unable to go onto the field at Lunchtimes.
Seasonal safety
All children are required to wear a coat to school that is waterproof and has a hood. During the winter this needs to be a warm coat and during the summer months this can be made of a lighter fabric. It is advisable that the coat is of a darker colour and is appropriate for the child to engage in active play/lunchtimes.
Children can wear additional warm hats and gloves. They can wear scarves to and from school but will not be allowed to wear them at playtimes and lunchtimes as they can potentially be a Health & Safety Risk.
Umbrellas are only allowed to be used to and from school.
On sunny days’ children should be protected from the sun when outdoors by:
Wearing a hat or cap
Wearing an appropriate SPF sun-screen that has been applied at home
Wearing sunglasses with a CE mark which conform to British Standard BS EN 18361977 and are of a design/colour compatible with school colours.
Lost Property
Parents/Carers are advised to write or sew their child’s name into all items of school uniform
Children are responsible for looking after their own uniform and the school does not accept any liability for loss or theft pg. 3
Any items of uniform found within the school are deposited in baskets which children and parents can look through at the end of the school day.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).