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home > Parents > Croyland Primary School > PE Shorts
Dear parents
When we recently talked about The Croyland Emblem, the children described the “person” as me, or their teacher and that they are the leaves growing with our guidance. For me, it is emblem that celebrates growth and that as school, we are always changing and growing stronger. Although the colour, rather than the emblem is my expectation of uniform, seeing our children wearing their uniform, in school and at school events always puts a smile on my face. We are the royal blue school.
Although uniform can be purchased through the school office, we wait for a large order before we submit it. Now you don’t have to wait for us and can order online yourself. As always, please make sure you name your child’s clothes. If you do not do this, I cannot be held responsible for locating lost jumpers.
Miss Deakin
School Uniform:
We are proud of our school and our pupils, and wearing of the correct uniform is visual evidence of our pride. Please ensure children have the correct school uniform at all times .
Winter Uniform:
White Polo Shirt
Grey or black skirt /Pinafore dress or trousers
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school emblem
Sensible dark shoes
Fleece Jacket with school emblem
Children in Year 5 and 6 may wear ties.
Summer Uniform:
As above, or substitute with:
Blue checked or striped dresses
Grey/dark shorts
Sandals must be sturdy, flat heeled and worn with socks. We would advise that, for health and safety reasons, open toed sandals are not appropriate.
All uniform can be ordered from MAPAC using the following link:
PE Kit:
Girls :
PE t-shirt – white
Plain black shorts or black cycling shorts
Tracksuit for cold weather (Yrs 3-6)
Plimsolls – black
Trainers (Years 1 to 6)
Croyland hooded sweatshirt (optional)
Plain black shorts
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).
Shadow striped sports shorts with elasticated waist and same colour draw cord. Ladder resistant easy care fabric.
100% Polyester