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home > Parents > Castilion Primary School
Boys : Grey trousers or shorts, white shirt, grey socks, bottle green pullover or school sweatshirt and school tie, bottle green with thin, silver stripe. Only black school shoes should be worn. These should be sturdy particularly when a pupil is using tools and equipment (health & safety grounds). Please note that shoes should not have flashing lights. Additionally, trainers or the equivalent are not permissible except for outdoor PE. Children are not allowed to wear boots. If it is raining heavily or it is snowing, children may wear wellingtons to and from school and during play and lunchtime. They must bring their shoes into school so that they are able to change into them for lessons.
Girls : Grey skirt or tunic, white blouse, white or grey socks (grey or green tights in cold weather), bottle green cardigan or school sweatshirt and school tie, bottle green with thin, silver stripe. Girls may wear grey trousers during the winter and in summer, green and white checked dresses may be worn. Only black school shoes should be worn, these should be sturdy particularly when a pupil is using tools and equipment (health & safety grounds), please note that shoes should not have flashing lights. Sandals and other open footwear are not allowed at any time of the year. Additionally, trainers or the equivalent are not permissible except for outdoor PE. Children are not allowed to wear boots. If it is raining heavily or it is snowing, children may wear wellingtons to and from school and during play and lunchtime. They must bring their shoes into school so that they are able to change into them for lessons.
EYFS Children Only (nursery and reception) : Are not required to wear a tie and can wear a white shirt, blouse or polo shirt.
PE KIT: Each child must be equipped for PE as outlined below, every school day. Kit must be kept in a school PE Bag (available from Mapac) which is clearly named on the outside and be brought to school each Monday and taken home for washing each Friday.
Indoor PE : Children should wear black shorts, white school or plain white t-shirts and bare feet. Black leotards are acceptable for junior girls if they can change in to and out of these quickly.
Outdoor PE : Children should wear black shorts and white school or plain white t-shirts, black plimsolls or training shoes. In colder weather, the green Castilion emblem zip fleece top and black jogging bottoms may be worn. Socks only, no tights. Juniors may need football boots; we will notify you if and when these are necessary.
All items should be of plain design, no logos, stripes or prints apart from the Castilion school logo.
OTHER ITEMS: Jewellery, wrist watches, make-up and hair.
It is dangerous for children to wear jewellery when taking part in any physical activity. For this reason children must not wear jewellery to school (the only exception is simple, small non-jewelled ear studs). Under Public Health England recommendations, teachers cannot be responsible either for helping children remove items of jewellery e.g. earrings, or for looking after items. Children who cannot remove their own ear studs must not wear them on a day they have indoor or outdoor PE. No earrings or wrist watches of any type are permitted in the Nursery and Reception classes. Wrist watches should be small, plain and dark in colour. Large, colourful wrist watches are not permitted. Only sensible haircuts are permissible. Skin-head, Mohican, motif haircuts, dyed hair and coloured extensions and beads are all not permitted. Children may wear plain beads but these must be tied back. Only small hairbands or clips are permitted to hold hair back, in either black, brown, grey or bottle green. Nail varnish and make-up MUST NOT be worn.
Swimming (KS2): The children will need to bring a costume or trunks and a towel for their swimming sessions. A cap will be provided. Bermuda shorts and bikinis are not allowed. Please do not bring any kind of body cream or lotion to apply after swimming.
School Book Bags: A book bag (in which reading books, homework and letters can be kept) is to be brought to school and taken home every day. All books and equipment must be kept in the book bag. Backpacks/rucksacks/haversacks are not permitted for all children; all equipment should be kept in the book bag. Children should not bring pencil cases into school.
Hijab : children whose religion requires them to wear a hijab can wear these in white, black, grey or bottle green only.
Protective clothing: Each child will need an old shirt, or similar, for use during art/craft work. This can be stored in the classroom and taken home regularly for washing.
Naming Clothes : It is essential that you clearly mark each item of clothing with your child’s name so that misplaced items can be returned to the correct child. Obviously with so many children wearing similar clothing it is impossible to trace unnamed items.
School Supplier : Mapac
Items available from school office : Water bottles and lids, ties, book bags, PE bags, baseball and legionnaire caps.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).