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home > Parents > Adisham C of E Primary School > Gusset Plimsolls
Uniform Policy Adisham
Our school uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of our school. We ask you to respect and support our policy and in doing so ensure that your child comes to school wearing the correct uniform and be of smart personal appearance.
Normal School Uniform
· White polo shirt, plain or with school logo
· Dark blue round necked sweatshirt with school logo
· Black or dark grey trousers
· Dark coloured socks
· Sensible black school shoes
In the summer months, boys can wear:
· Black or dark grey shorts instead of trousers
· White polo shirt, plain or with school logo, or plain white blouse
· Dark blue cardigan with school logo or sweatshirt with school logo
· Black or dark grey knee length skirt/pinafore
· White, or dark coloured tights or socks
In the summer months girls can wear:
· Blue/white checked dresses
PE Kit
White T-Shirt, plain or with school logo
Black plain PE shorts
Black tracksuit bottoms
Black plimsolls (for indoor PE)
Trainers (for outdoor PE)
Blue Adisham PE Hoody with school logo (Optional*)
*The PE Hoodies with the school logo are optional, no other hoodies are acceptable. As an alternative to a hoody, children can wear their school sweatshirt/cardigan in the cold weather. The PE Hoodies are only to be worn as PE kit and are not to be worn to and from school.
Book bags, Gym bags and accessories are available to purchase but are entirely optional. We do ask however, that children carry equipment in a small, sensible bag rather than plastic carrier bags. During the summer months we ask all parents to ensure their child brings a hat to school and also has applied sunscreen before coming to school.
Hats/Hair Coverings:
Children may not wear hats, caps, handkerchiefs, bandanas, dorags, scarves, or other head coverings indoors at school. Exceptions can be made for religious and/or medical reasons.
Hair should be neat, brushed and tied back if long –for both girls and boys. It should not have tramlines, dyed elements, Mohicans or similar.
Earrings if worn must only be small studs and either be removed by the child or left at home on PE days. Facial piercings are not permitted.
Necklaces and chains are not permitted.
Watches can be worn, but must be removed by the child for sporting activities.
No other sweatshirts, jackets, or sweaters are allowed to be worn inside the building. PE Hoodies are to be worn during P.E. only and are not to be worn to and from school.
Trainers are not permitted for daily wear, they are for outdoor PE only. Wellington style boots are only permitted on snowy or very wet days. Luminous socks or highly patterned tights are not considered school uniform. Heeled shoes are not acceptable.
Hands/Nails/Make up:
Children may not wear bracelets armbands, or multiple rings. Nails should be free of any artificial enhancements (varnish, acrylic, silk wraps, press-ons, rhinestones, etc.) Make up is not permitted.
Non-Uniform Days:
A non-uniform day allows a child to express his/her individuality through their attire. The expectation is for the child to wear garments that fit appropriately and are non-offensive. Any article of clothing that is deemed inappropriate for a non-uniform day, will result in the child being required to change into school uniform.
Sometimes for school trips other clothing is requested, please consider appropriateness for the weather conditions expected.
Health and Safety:
For safety reasons jewellery must not be worn in school. Only watches and stud earrings may be worn if necessary but they must be removed for P.E. lessons by your child.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).