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home > Parents > Park Street C of E Primary School > Gusset Plimsolls
Uniform Policy
There is no compulsory school uniform, but children are expected to dress comfortably and appropriately for work - sensible shoes, covered shoulders and plain T-shirts without slogans. Polo shirts and sweatshirts with the Park Street logo are available to order.
All children need wellington boots for use at lunchtime play in the winter and a sunhat for the summer.
They also need a PE kit (navy shorts, Park Street polo shirt and plimsolls) in a drawstring PE bag. All clothing should be named.
In the interests of safety and security, we ask that our children do not wear jewellery.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).