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The wearing of school uniform is not an option but an obligation. It is expected that parents and children will honour this agreement and make every effort to uphold the desired standard of dress.
Any parent experiencing problems in purchasing articles of uniform should initially contact the Office or arrange to meet with the Headteacher.
The intentions of adopting a school uniform are:
i) to give all children a sense of corporate identity - of ‘belonging’ to Twydall Primary School;
ii) to standardise items of clothing worn for school;
iii) to maintain a neat and clean appearance that will hopefully be transferred to other aspects of children’s education;
iv) to ease confrontation between parent/carer and child about what should be worn to school;
v) to enable our children to be easily identifiable as belonging to the Twydall Community during school trips and visits.
These intentions will be communicated to parents/carers and children on appropriate occasions or when the need arises.
We hope that all those involved in the school community, staff, parents/carers and children will share these intentions and enforce the democratically reached decision for children to wear school uniform.
School Uniform Requirements
The Twydall Primary School uniform consists of:
· School sweatshirt or cardigan with red stripe .
· White polo shirt or a white shirt/blouse. Polo shirts can be purchased with the school logo.
· Trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafore dresses in black or grey (no logos or stripes).
· Summer dresses may be worn - red/white checked.
· Twydall Primary School Book with logo (optional)
· Additional items available to purchase with the school logo are:
o Red, green, yellow or blue baseball type cap
o PE T-shirt in house colours (Red, Yellow, Green or Blue)
· PE kit consists of a white T-shirt (or house PE T-shirt with logo) and dark coloured shorts (black or navy), plain plimsolls or trainers. Tracksuit bottoms may also be worn during winter months.
· Swimming trunks/briefs for boys (long Bermuda type shorts are not acceptable at the pool for health and safety reasons), one piece swimming costume for girls. Year groups rotate swimming throughout KS2 and parents will be advised at the beginning of the academic year if swimming lessons will take place.
· No jewellery except watches or stud earrings may be worn in school. These must be removed by children for all physical activities. If earrings cannot be removed by the child then the child will have to temporarily miss the activity.
· Long hair should be tied back during the school day.
· Nail varnish, make-up, hair gel, or hair colours, must not be worn in school. Long hair must be tied and secured for PE and Swimming.
As well as the above items, children are expected to wear sensible footwear – black/brown/navy shoes (not trainers).
Please name all items of clothing.
Twydall Primary Uniform with Logo
These items can be purchased directly from the school’s uniform suppliers Due to the school transferring from cash to on-line direct sales, uniform will be available to purchase on-line from June 2018.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).