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home > Parents > Coates Way JMI & Nursery School > Cotton Twill P.E Shorts
GIRLS - Winter
Green Coates Way sweatshirt or cardigan
Grey or black skirt
Grey or black tailored trousers ( not leggings, jeans, track suit bottoms combats etc.)
White polo shirt
White shirt years 5 & 6
School tie years 5 & 6 only
White, grey or black socks (not trainer or ankle socks)
Black school shoes with low heel (not trainers)
Grey or black skirt or tailored shorts (not sports shorts)
Green and white check summer dress
Black school shoes with low heel (not trainers) or white/black sandals worn with white socks (not trainer or ankle socks).
BOYS - Winter
Green Coates Way sweatshirt
Grey or black tailored trousers/shorts
Grey or black tailored shorts or trousers ( not sports wear)
Black school shoes with low heel
P.E./Games Kit - A change of clothing for P.E./games is essential
Black sports shorts
White T-shirt or polo shirt
Plain tracksuit for outdoor games (KS 2 children)
A change of socks
Optional items
Coates Way Book bag
Coates Way P.E. Kit Bag
Coates Way Fleece (To be worn outside only)
Coates Way cap in the summer
Additional Information
Jewellery must not be worn except for religious reasons
Only plain metal stud earrings are allowed, but these must be removed for P.E. If you are planning to have your child’s ears pierced, then please do so at the start of the summer holidays to allow healing time.
Long hair must be tied back
If you are unsure about appropriate items of uniform, then please contact the school office for advice. All items of clothing must be named.
Please Note: Free delivery on all orders over £60. All orders under £60 will incur a £4.75 carriage charge (UK mainland only).